Available to: Fellows, Subspecialists, Procedural Associates, and Advanced Procedural Associates.

This page provides a range of resources to support supervisors, trainers, educators, and consultants involved in the training and assessment of O&G trainees.

Skill Level: Beginner
Send email: Yes

CPD Domain: Educational Activities (EA)
Activity type: Individual Learning Activities
Activity: eLearning (Online learning)
Subspecialist related activity: No
Tag activity: Professionalism
CPD hours: 4
Send email: Yes

Available to: FRANZCOG Trainees, Fellows, Subspecialist, Procedural Associates, APTP Trainees and PTP Trainees. 

– The CET is a pre-requisite to the Foundation Supervisor Training Program. This program establishes the standards expected of RANZCOG Supervisors and provides an opportunity for new Supervisors to expand their knowledge and skills in teaching and education

Part 1 introduces learners to the principles of adult learning theory and strategies that support teaching and learning in the clinical environment.

CPD Domain: Educational Activities (EA)
Activity type: RANZCOG Programs
Activity: Clinical Education Training eLearning module: Part 1 (CET1)
Subspecialist related activity: No
Tag activity: Professionalism
CPD hours: 4.5
Send email: Yes

Available to: FRANZCOG Trainees, Fellows, Subspecialist, Procedural Associates , APTP Trainees and PTP Trainees. 

– The CET is a pre-requisite to the Foundation Supervisor Training Program. This program establishes the standards expected of RANZCOG Supervisors and provides an opportunity for new Supervisors to expand their knowledge and skills in teaching and education

Part 2 focuses on principles and strategies to support those involved in the education and training of others in the workplace.

CPD Domain: Educational Activities (EA)
Activity type: RANZCOG Programs
Activity: Clinical Education Training eLearning module: Part 2 (CET2)
Subspecialist related activity: No
Tag activity: Professionalism
CPD hours: 2
Send email: Yes
Skill Level: Beginner
CPD Domain: Educational Activities (EA)
Activity type: Individual Learning Activities
Activity: eLearning (Online learning)
Subspecialist related activity: No
Tag activity: Professionalism
CPD hours: 2
Send email: Yes

Available to: All Cohorts

– Even when you are an experienced presenter, creating and facilitating a workshop can seem intimidating. With some careful planning and preparation, an effective RANZCOG workshop can give attendees the opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge in an engaging and enjoyable way.


Skill Level: Beginner
Send email: Yes

Available to: Course offered for free (self enrolment enabled) 

– Giving an oral presentation at a scientific meeting is a great way to advance your medical career. The prospect of presenting your original work to colleagues and peers may be intimidating, and it can be difficult to know how to approach it. 

It is important to remember that although it may be daunting, an oral presentation is one of the best ways to get your work out there, and so should be looked upon as an exciting and invaluable opportunity.1


Skill Level: Beginner
Send email: Yes

Available to: FRANZCOG Trainees, Fellows, Subspecialist, Procedural Associates and Certificants

Skill Level: Beginner
Send email: Yes