The International Affiliates logos is available for all International Affiliates of the College to signify their membership of the College and can be used on office stationery, including letterhead and business cards, email signatures, room signage and presentation slides.
The Certificate of Women’s Health logo is available for all Certificants of the College to signify their membership of the College and can be used on office stationery, including letterhead and business cards, email signatures, room signage and presentation slides.
The Procedural Training Programs logos are available for all RANZCOG Associates (Procedural & Advanced Procedural) logos of the College to signify their membership of the College, and can be used on office stationery including letterhead and business cards, email signatures, room signage and presentation slides.
The FRANZCOG logo is available for all Fellows of the College to signify their membership of the College and can be used on office stationery, including letterhead and business cards, email signatures, room signage and presentation slides.